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Notes sur le tag : capitalism

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Edifying discussion with a school teacher...

We all have great moments of loneliness in life.It is a great effort for me to make the conversation to people that I don’t know, or whom I am not comfortable with. And what makes me even more uncomfortable is silence between these people and me. So usually I start babbling and I become unstoppable. Sometime I listen to myself speaking and wish I could just stop and run away but instead I...

Publié le 26/05/2012 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Inglorious Politics

French Politicians and Press are talking and talking about the 'Caution principle' that was crated to limit the risks caused by Capitalistic Economy that has the irresponsibility principle in its heart. Same but more efficient is the US Judicial system. This Paradox of both irresponsibility and security is essential to understand Liberalism. Of course the Money itself is made of the same...

Publié le 12/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

Brave New Gay World

  Watched on French TV, Channel n°1: a kind of ridiculous medecine-woman who is teaching young men (of seventeen!) how to put on condoms before putting on somebodies. SS = Safe Sex after Social Security and Schutz Staffeln. This Channel n°1 is made with a bad mixing of commercials, hollywood movies or series and soccer. This is the Channel that low-educated French people...

Publié le 26/02/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

Roma against the Machine?

French Essayist F. Huguenin recently tried to demonstrate that Pope Benedictus XVIth has nothing to do with liberalism or capitalism contrarily to what his friendly USA-Tour could for instance make the world believe in. Problem of Huguenin's theory is that there are many French Catholic who do think today that Capitalism can be mixed with the Gospel; those 'Catholic' people are therefore...

Publié le 23/02/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...


LA ROUTE de John Hillcoat **** HADEWIJCH de Brunot Dumont**** LA FAMILLE WOLBERG de Axelle Ropert *** LA SAINTE VICTOIRE de François Favrat *** CAPITALISM, A LOVE STORY de Michaël Moore *** BIENVENUE A ZOMBIELAND de Ruben...

Publié le 06/12/2009 dans Sur la Route... par Pascale | Lire la suite...

Ratzinger vs Shakespeare

Christian priests and especially last Pope Benedictus XVI has nothing to say about the capitalism but revealing the satanic origin of an "economy" based on time ratio. Christian theology says indeed that time is the devil "opera magna", a "human number" as it is said in saint John Gospel: 666 (Sympathy for the devil of musicians, movie makers and mathematicians comes from the seductive power...

Publié le 02/08/2009 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

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