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Notes sur le tag : dictatorship

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Edifying discussion with a school teacher...

We all have great moments of loneliness in life.It is a great effort for me to make the conversation to people that I don’t know, or whom I am not comfortable with. And what makes me even more uncomfortable is silence between these people and me. So usually I start babbling and I become unstoppable. Sometime I listen to myself speaking and wish I could just stop and run away but instead I...

Publié le 26/05/2012 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Affreuse vérité sur les kamikazes de cherchell.

L’Horrible Vérité du Terrorisme en Algérie: Le terrorisme qui fait les affaires de l’Etat August 27, 2011 laseptiemewilaya.   traduction: hideuse vérité derrière le terrorisme en Algérie Nous venons d'apprendre que deux kamikazes se sont explosé à l'intérieur l'Académie militaire de Cherchell causant la mort d'au moins 20 jeunes cadets (ce qui est, selon un...

Publié le 28/08/2011 dans LES... par fakakir | Lire la suite...

Winter's Olympic Tale

Are Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver made for demonstrating that Ecology is the last Capitalist's Stratagem? This spending of a many million dollar capitalist Shop-window, just after a big starvation in some poor countries in Africa or Asia, with the drawback of destroying natural mountains just for idiotic sportsmen fighting for a few seconds: what a clear confession. Of Course Chinese...

Publié le 24/02/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

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