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Notes sur le tag : politics

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JFKgate . . .

     3000  documents secrets devaient être mis en ligne dans l'affaire Kennedy. Suite à un revirement de dernière  minute de M.Trump ,200 documents ne seront pas publiés.De quoi entretenir les thèses complotistes et autres rumeurs     L'affaire ici  

Publié le 28/10/2017 dans Délire du... par herisson | Lire la suite...

Business is Business . . . .

  Les citoyens américains ont, contre toute attente, voté pour que Donald Trump devienne leur quarante-cinquième président. voir ici

Publié le 13/11/2016 dans Délire du... par herisson | Lire la suite...

Religiously Oriented Parties and Democratization

To the surprise of both academics and policy-makers, religion has not been relegated entirely to the private sphere; quite the contrary. Over the last few decades, religion has begun to play a significant role in public affairs and, in many cases, directly in political systems.  Edited by Lucas Ozzano, Religiously Oriented Parties and Democratization (Routledge, 2014) analyses...

Publié le 04/09/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Mon boulot de dans 3 ans

  Putain deux ans! Deux ans déjà que les Français aspiraient au changement. Un changement que, résignés, ils n'attendent maintenant plus. Pourtant le petit député de Tulle aurait pu faire de grandes choses mais, il a préféré prendre les chaussons de ses prédécesseurs, attendre le retour de la croissance, attendre, attendre, attendre encore et s'assurer que lui aussi pouvait changer...

Publié le 06/05/2014 dans Le Blog de... par Le Blog de Chevreuse | Lire la suite...

Meeting the Gandhis...

  If there is one topic that I am not interested in, it’s politics... So Indian politics I let you imagine… And all in a sudden, while I think I am going to read about a love story, I find myself engulfed in The Red Saree, a book by by Javier Moro!   I panicked a bit at the beginning, as the novel begins on very soapy tone with the love story of Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi....

Publié le 26/05/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

The news in India - As understood by me...

A famous French radio asked me, as a French speaking expat, to prepare for an interview about my daily life and the news in India. Well... how to put it? I abhor newspapers and I don’t have TV... I thought I would manage with my daily life you see. But when my turn cames the anchor woman said "And to comment the world-wise news..." I started panicking!! Thankfully I had spent a...

Publié le 22/05/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Edifying discussion with a school teacher...

We all have great moments of loneliness in life.It is a great effort for me to make the conversation to people that I don’t know, or whom I am not comfortable with. And what makes me even more uncomfortable is silence between these people and me. So usually I start babbling and I become unstoppable. Sometime I listen to myself speaking and wish I could just stop and run away but instead I...

Publié le 26/05/2012 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Networks against Church?

Today Sexual Crimes in German and Irish Catholic Churches make it new, but the problem of Propaganda against Catholic Church, Press and Networks is an old problem in Europa (-1800) that can be understood rather easily starting from French example. First of all one has to underline the fact that Propaganda was invented by Catholic Church in modern History, including the use of lie without...

Publié le 07/04/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

Club Misogyne Paris

      It is because Paederasty is Liberal Politics Sexual Way of Life (Gay people are not far away from Robots); and because Women do suck Politics that the 'Club Misogyne Paris' was created to think different. Capitalist pigs go to Slaughter House with big Confidency in Satan their God.

Publié le 03/04/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

Beware the Gorilla!

      Formerly people from French Britanny used to think that Monkeys were the Devil's Creatures. Because the Devil was envying the Art of God who made the Man, he wanted his own poetry and made himself a Monkey. Due to special ability of the Monkey for imitation ('mimesis' say snobs), it is true that one could give to the God of Music or Socialism a Monkey face....

Publié le 25/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

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