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Notes sur le tag : development

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Nigerian Pentecostalism and Development

Some scholars suggest that the combination of an enchanted worldview, an emphasis on miracles and prosperity teaching, and a preoccupation with evangelism discourages effective political engagement and militates against development. However, Nigerian Pentecostalism and Development argues that there is an emerging movement within contemporary Nigerian Pentecostalism which is becoming...

Publié le 10/03/2022 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Edifying discussion with a school teacher...

We all have great moments of loneliness in life.It is a great effort for me to make the conversation to people that I don’t know, or whom I am not comfortable with. And what makes me even more uncomfortable is silence between these people and me. So usually I start babbling and I become unstoppable. Sometime I listen to myself speaking and wish I could just stop and run away but instead I...

Publié le 26/05/2012 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

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