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Notes sur le tag : pearl harbour

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Historic Battle in the Pacific

Historic Battle in the Pacific By Eric Margolis Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com   To see America as it once was, go back to the three days from 4 to 7 June, 1942. During the six months after the devastating Japanese attack on the principal US Pacific base at Pearl Harbor,  Hawaii, US and allies forces across the west Pacific were being mauled by the...

Publié le 13/06/2017 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable

The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable By Bionic Mosquito Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com Review: The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable by George Victor In this book, George Victor addresses the several questions regarding Pearl Harbor: did U.S. Intelligence know beforehand? Did Roosevelt know? If so, why weren’t...

Publié le 12/03/2015 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

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