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Notes sur le tag : french protestants

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Regardsprotestants: Gateway into the French-speaking protestant world

Better late than never: let's emphasize the great value of  Regardsprotestan ts , a French-speaking website dedicated to news from a Protestant perspective. The Pastor Eugène Bersier Foundation , with the help of WordAppeal, has launched it at the beginning of 2013. A unique and remarkable gateway into the French-speaking Protestant world,  www.regardsprotestants.com...

Publié le 22/05/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

French Protestant History on iTunes

Who wants to discover French protestants in an easy, user-friendly way? Wait a minute, iTunes has something for you. The Protestant Library was created as an extension of the Internet site www.museeprotestant.org , of the Virtual Museum of French Protestantism (Pasteur Eugène Bersier Foundation of French Protestant History ). The first volume, "History of Protestant France"...

Publié le 19/06/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Face of France's 'Good King Henri IV' reconstructed

For lovers of French political and religious History, this is great news: the face of " Good Henri IV " , the highly revered French king who died 400 years ago in 1610, has been reconstructed by a team of French researchers led by Philippe Charlier . Using scans of the skull believed to belong to the monarch, they created a very lively portrait of what Henry the fourth ( a former...

Publié le 02/03/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Now in bookstores and on Amazon: La nouvelle France protestante

An IFOP national Survey in 2010 reveal s a brand new Protestant map in France. While many speak openly about the collapse of organized Christianity in contemporary France, the heirs of French Reformers (including French-born John Calvin) are currently growing. Although this is unexpected, it can't be denied. This process goes along with the spread of Evangelical new communities. A third...

Publié le 05/12/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Forthcoming: the New Protestant France

After a year-long process, let me proudly announce that La nouvelle France protestante ( The New Protestant Franc e ) will be released this month! In this big volume, written by 22 contributors , the whole new French protestant landscape will be described at length, with maps, data (including a big global IFOP survey), in-depth analysis.THis "must-have" is published by...

Publié le 04/10/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

2009 Protestant Festival in Strasbourg (Oct., 30 - Nov.,2)

During the whole 2009 year, French Protestant have been celebrating the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin , the French-born church reformer who inspired a movement that now has tens of millions of adherents worldwide. No doubt that this Year's climax has been the huge Protestant Festival organized by the Protestant  Federation of France (FPF) in Strasbourg...

Publié le 20/11/2009 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Politics and Religion, France/USA

Both France and the USA do like to teach the World about values. These two great democracies share a common emphasis on universal rights, and it is no surprise if the world debate about the Iraqi war in 2003 turned around what France and what the US had to say. How to explain that? By going back to History, particularly in studying the relationship between politics and religion in France...

Publié le 14/12/2007 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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