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Notes sur le tag : ecovillage

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A trip in Sundarban

  But let me tell you a little more about my trip in the heart of the Bengali furnace...     Sundarbans, West Bengal - May 2013   Apart from the overwhelming heat and the near-absence of wild animals (we just saw some deers, lizards, monkeys, snakes and birds), we could appreciate the Indian countryside, one of my old dreams!  ...

Publié le 10/05/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

The dirty Frenchies exploring Sundarban…

  Here is an interesting angle to tell about my trip to Sundarban... Departure from Kolkata at 8:30 in the morning for a 3 hour ride in a van falling into pieces. Thighs glued by the sweat to the fake leather seat. No need to complain; better to just try and avoid fainting by swallowing gallons of water.     We arrive at the pier to embark on a motor boat that a guy...

Publié le 08/05/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

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