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Notes sur le tag : proto-histoire

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When Canada was under 1 Mile of Ice - Europeans Arrived!

When Canada Was Under 1 Mile of Ice - Europeans Arrived! An absolute “must” that anyone interested in the Solutrean Hypothesis should get their hands on is the astounding commercial DVD entitled Ice Age Columbus - Who Were the First Americans?” . The image of the Solutrean character named Zia is shown in this post. The actors portray the Solutrean people as looking and acting...

Publié le 08/04/2009 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

The Solutrean Hypothesis - Ice Age Colombus

The Solutrean Hypothesis - Ice Age Columbus [1] “Ice Age Columbus” - Get this DVD and show it to All Your Friends and Family! You’re missing out if you haven’t yet watched “Ice Age Columbus - Who Were the First Americans?” If tens of millions of our White kinsmen see this amazing DVD, our people’s coming to their senses will be significantly accelerated. The...

Publié le 08/04/2009 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

La religion cosmique et l'habitat circumpolaire des Indo-Européens

  La religion cosmique et l’habitat circumpolaire des Indo-Européens Jean Haudry J’ai nommé ainsi ( La religion cosmique des Indo-Européens , Paris/Milan : Archè, 1987) un ensemble de conceptions cosmologiques et religieuses centrées autour de la notion de «ciel du jour»: en indo-européen , où il n’existe pas de nom ancien du «ciel», un même vocable –...

Publié le 23/02/2009 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Cinquemila anni fa in Europa...

Cinquemila anni fa in Europa… Ex: http://www.internettuale.net “Cucuteni-Trypillya. Una grande civiltà dell’antica Europa” è il titolo di una mostra dedicata a quella che è considerata dagli esperti la più antica civiltà del Vecchio Continente fiorita tra il 5000 e il 3000 a.C. in un’area che oggi fa da confine a Romania, Ucraina e Moldavia. Il nome di questa...

Publié le 09/11/2008 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

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