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Notes sur le tag : fingers

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Why in India people eat with their fingers?

This post is dedicated to one of my French bosses who asked me recently, after a trip in India, if in my opinion “they” would continue to eat with their hands for a long time. “These savages” he might as well have added.  Before I praise the practice of using fingers, a small memo on how the “sophisticated” countries actually stopped it...    “The use of fork dates...

Publié le 10/10/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Do and Don't do - India

A friend of mine recently a nice website: the "do and don't" all over the wold: http://www.doanddontdo.com/ And here is my modest contribution: http://www.doanddontdo.com/dont-it-tandoori-chicken/

Publié le 21/08/2010 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

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