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Notes sur le tag : donetsk republic

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Said to defend Motherland from Chechens...

  - What’s your name - Panasyuk Andriy Mikolayevich - What have you been doing here ? Why you arrived here ? - Arrived… military unit sent me here. - Sent with which task ? - Said to defend Motherland - From who ? - Said to defend Motherland from Chechens - Have you met at least one Chechen here ? - No, I haven’t meet...

Publié le 02/08/2014 dans Die... par Kurgan | Lire la suite...

Said to defend Motherland from Chechens...

  - What’s your name - Panasyuk Andriy Mikolayevich - What have you been doing here ? Why you arrived here ? - Arrived… military unit sent me here. - Sent with which task ? - Said to defend Motherland - From who ? - Said to defend Motherland from Chechens - Have you met at least one Chechen here ? - No, I haven’t meet...

Publié le 02/08/2014 dans Fiertés... par Kurgan | Lire la suite...

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