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Notes sur le tag : sociology
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Religion of Sociology
Sociology is for marxist people everything but a Science: a Religion. Sociologists, whose Ancestors were the Moralists of the XVIIth Century make me think about TV or Networks: a Thermometer in the Ass of Society. Sociology as TV or religion are useless if you are not against them, trying to destroy those fiendish mirrors, what is necessary to be free....
Publié le 11/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...
French as a German Torturer
Coming soon on French TV (end of March- "France 2" Channel), a new Reality show in which French people are acting as real Torturers with Electricity. Not less than 80% of the Candidates , discovering at the end of the Game only, that the Torture was not real but the victim an actor, shouting although like a real Guantanamo prisoner. Christophe Nick who had the...
Publié le 06/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...
WYD 2008 in Sydney : Benedict XVI & Catholicism Down Under (interview)
The next World Youth Days (WYD), a Catholic event organised every two or three years, will be held from July 15th to July 20th in Sydney , Australia. The Catholic Church isi expecting 125,000 international visitors and it will be the opportunity for the pope himself to visit Australia for the first time. I’ve asked Marion Maddox , an Australian scholar specialist in Churches-State...
Publié le 02/07/2008 dans Yannick Fer par Yannick Fer | Lire la suite...
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