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Notes sur le tag : oceania

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Christianismes en Océanie - Changing Christianity in Oceania (publication)

Le numéro 157 des Archives de sciences sociales des religions , que j'ai coordonné, vient de paraître. Intitulé "Christianismes en Océanie - Changing Christianity in Oceania", il rassemble 8 contributions et marque l'aboutissement d'un travail collectif entamé en 2008 à l'occasion de journées d'études dont j'avais alors parlé ici . The issue #157 of the Archives de sciences...

Publié le 09/04/2012 dans Yannick Fer par Yannick Fer | Lire la suite...

Nuku: Cook Islanders re-enact History

In most of the Polynesian islands, an annual event commemorates the arrival of the first (generally Protestant) missionaries. People dance, sing and re-enact the original scene, when European missionaries or Polynesian “teachers” – notably those from the Society Islands – on one side, and the local populations on the other side, met together. Thus in French Polynesia, March 5 – a public...

Publié le 30/01/2009 dans Yannick Fer par Yannick Fer | Lire la suite...

WYD 2008 in Sydney : Benedict XVI & Catholicism Down Under (interview)

The next World Youth Days (WYD), a Catholic event organised every two or three years, will be held from July 15th to July 20th in Sydney , Australia. The Catholic Church isi expecting 125,000 international visitors and it will be the opportunity for the pope himself to visit Australia for the first time. I’ve asked Marion Maddox , an Australian scholar specialist in Churches-State...

Publié le 02/07/2008 dans Yannick Fer par Yannick Fer | Lire la suite...

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