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Notes sur le tag : paris christian center

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Along with these new year wishes, let's aim to focus more on what's on the field. Not just on books, on the field. France is experiencing fast changes. This land is facing political extremism (National Front Party) but also renewal and change. I just come back today from a very warm special worship service at Paris Centre Chretien , a vibrant multicultural Charismatic church...

Publié le 01/01/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Death of a megachurch leader in France: Selvaraj Rajiah (1952-2011)

Megachurches are not just a US (or Nigerian, Korean...) phenomenon. Even Secular France has got some, including Paris Christian Center in La Courneuve (North of Paris), attracting more than 4,000 regular attenders every week. This is why the sudden and unexpected death of Selvaraj Rajiah, senior pastor of PCC, is a major event in the French protestant news. The founding pastor of...

Publié le 29/12/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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