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Notes sur le tag : charismatics

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Pentecostalism in Africa: Pneumatic Christianity in Postcolonial Societies

During recent decades, Pentecostal/charismatic Christianity (pc/c) has moved from an initially peripheral position to become a force to be reckoned with within African Christianity and sub-Saharan African societies in general... Bringing together prominent Africanist scholars from a variety of disciplines (theology and church history, anthropology, sociology, religious studies, political...

Publié le 06/01/2022 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Transatlantic Charismatic Renewal, c.1950-2000, a MUST READ

In Transatlantic Charismatic Renewal, c.1950-2000, Andrew Atherstone, Mark Hutchinson and John Maiden bring together leading researchers to examine one of the globally most important religious movements of the twentieth century. Variously referred to as the charismatic ‘renewal’ or ‘revival’, it was a key Christian response to globalization, modernity and secularization. Unlike other...

Publié le 09/09/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Prosperity Gospel : at least 5 varieties

Who did not hear about Prosperity Gospel ? However, even if it's easy and simple to remember, the label misleading. The more I read (for example, Blessed , from Kate Bowler, and Coleman, The Globalization of Charismatic Christianity ) and the more I do field research (In France, Congo, Madagascar Burkina Faso etc), the more I come to realize that there is at least FIVE distinct...

Publié le 03/06/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...


Along with these new year wishes, let's aim to focus more on what's on the field. Not just on books, on the field. France is experiencing fast changes. This land is facing political extremism (National Front Party) but also renewal and change. I just come back today from a very warm special worship service at Paris Centre Chretien , a vibrant multicultural Charismatic church...

Publié le 01/01/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

A much needed book to understand Health and Wealth Gospel

The CEIA, located in Lognes , near Paris, is the biggest Evangelical meeting in France. Last year, the main theme was Health and Wealth Gospel . Not surprising! This growing movement, mostly popular within some Charismatic circles, is taking roots in France. The two biggest Evangelical congregations in Paris, which are Charisma Eglise Chrétienne and Paris Centre Chrétien , could...

Publié le 10/09/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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