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Notes sur le tag : globalization

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Prosperity Gospel : at least 5 varieties

Who did not hear about Prosperity Gospel ? However, even if it's easy and simple to remember, the label misleading. The more I read (for example, Blessed , from Kate Bowler, and Coleman, The Globalization of Charismatic Christianity ) and the more I do field research (In France, Congo, Madagascar Burkina Faso etc), the more I come to realize that there is at least FIVE distinct...

Publié le 03/06/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Pentecostal narratives, a techne designed to deal with rapid changes?

In a few days, a symposium on Pentecostalism and Transnationalism will be held at the University of Western Sydney . Far from old Europe and France? Not so far actually. Annalisa Butticci 's documentary on African Pentecostals is focused on Italy. And Mark Hutchinson 's paper (University of Western Sydney) appears very stimulating to explain Pentecostal narratives in France and...

Publié le 29/07/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

French, Most Useful Second Language ?

Watching the French media, one of the many things that puzzles me during the current Arabic revolutions (from Tunisia to Egypt) is that in spite of the French decline, French language is still used by many (even by some in Lybia). Why? Many strong historical reasons explain that. But there are also some more pragmatic reasons . I just found a quite well-documented article (published...

Publié le 09/03/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Globish: not the only tongue after all

I recently wrote in my French-speaking blog that our president, Nicolas Sarkozy, should not ignore the fact that the worldwide language is now GLOBISH . Which means : global English. I criticized the fact that our president thought it would be useless to broadcast a French TV satellite channel in English. I stand in my positions. However, there is another side of the debate....

Publié le 29/02/2008 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...


Hi! Welcome to this new blog. First of all, this is an open window on French realities, but it is also a window on USA, UK and the Global Village through gallic lenses. Click to continue I am fed up with all these misunderstandings, and all this ignorance which make mutual reflexion so hard to flourish between both sides of the Atlantic (and both sides of the Channel as well)....

Publié le 01/12/2007 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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