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Notes sur le tag : papaya

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Pregnancy advice, Indian style

    At 6 weeks, my Indian gynaecologist (a dinosaur) confirmed the pregnancy and provided her first recommendations: “You immediately stop papaya . And also pineapple. Also you stop outside food for the next 6 weeks.”   Not that I eat papaya everyday but I don’t like being told I can’t do things! So I checked… There was only a study, conducted on rats, and here...

Publié le 06/11/2014 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Tell me, what is a papaya??

The other day, I asked my favourite Indian to buy a papaya. And there he is, asking me what a papaya looks like?!! And here he goes, googling “papaya”!!   The following day I come back on the subject: “Tell me, if you do not know with what a papaya looks like, can I deduce from that that you have never cut one before?” “No.” “And an apple?”...

Publié le 13/10/2011 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

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