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Notes sur le tag : britanny
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Working man Blues par Mark Powell à Bréhand le 19 mars 2016
Publié le 10/04/2016 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...
Watching You Drink by Bret Mullins band (Soon at Pontivy in Britanny)
Bret Mullins Band sera bientôt en concert à Pontivy en Bretagne Soon at Pontivy in Brittanny
Publié le 31/03/2016 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...
Beware the Gorilla!
Formerly people from French Britanny used to think that Monkeys were the Devil's Creatures. Because the Devil was envying the Art of God who made the Man, he wanted his own poetry and made himself a Monkey. Due to special ability of the Monkey for imitation ('mimesis' say snobs), it is true that one could give to the God of Music or Socialism a Monkey face....
Publié le 25/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...
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