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Notes sur le tag : bijoux et accessoires

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Citizen K - Mylène Farmer porte du on aura tout vu

Pour le magazine Citizen K Mylène Farmer porte du on aura tout vu .  

Publié le 21/12/2011 dans on aura tout vu par on aura tout vu | Lire la suite...

spring summer couture by on aura tout vu

Lily-white doves vanish in the skies towards radiant horizons in a flood of magical euphoria. Rebel Amazons dressed in ethereal laces whirl around in a never-ending dream. Their secret wish is to recover the fairy tree of comets that will bring them closer to the sun. In this kingdom of dreams life is soft and sweet as a caress. The beauties have a weird companion: a fire-and-light bird...

Publié le 30/01/2011 dans on aura tout vu par on aura tout vu | Lire la suite...

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