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« Rouges » et « fascistes » sans haine ni rancune

« Rouges » et « fascistes » sans haine ni rancune : le témoignage édifiant d'un enfant de la Guerre d'Espagne par Arnaud IMATZ Ex: http://www.polemia.com/ Polémia a reçu récemment de l’historien espagnol, Arnaud Imatz, (*) contributeur occasionnel du site, un message émouvant, accompagné d’un article, écrit en novembre 2006, qui donne un éclairage peu connu de certains des...

Publié le 01/10/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Mircea Eliade: Liberty

Liberty By Mircea Eliade "Iconar", March 5, 1937 There is an aspect of the Legionary Movement that has not been sufficiently explored: the individual’s liberty. Being primarily a spiritual movement concerned with the creation of a New Man and the salvation of our people – the Legion can’t grow and couldn’t have matured without treasuring the individual’s...

Publié le 11/09/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Towards a New World Order: Carl Schmitt's ”The LandAppropriation of a New World”

  Towards a New World Order: Carl Schmitt's "The Land Appropriation of a New World" Gary Ulmen Ex: http://freespeechproject.com/   The end of the Cold War and of the bipolar division of the world has posed again the question of a viable international law grounded in a new world order. This question was already urgent before WWI, given the decline of the ius...

Publié le 13/08/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Carl Schmitt's Decisionism

Carl Schmitt's Decisionism Paul Hirst Ex: http://freespeechproject.com/   Since 1945 Western nations have witnessed a dramatic reduction in the variety of positions in political theory and jurisprudence. Political argument has been virtually reduced to contests within liberal-democratic theory. Even radicals now take representative democracy as their unquestioned...

Publié le 12/08/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Carl Schmitt: The Conservative Revolutionary Habitus and the Aesthetics of Horror

Carl Schmitt: The Conservative Revolutionary Habitus and the Aesthetics of Horror Richard Wolin Ex: http://freespeechproject.com/   "Carl Schmitt's polemical discussion of political Romanticism conceals the aestheticizing oscillations of his own political thought. In this respect, too, a kinship of spirit with the fascist intelligentsia reveals itself." —Jürgen...

Publié le 11/08/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Keith Preston: Understanding Carl Schmitt

  Keith Preston: Understanding Carl Schmitt

Publié le 11/08/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Arnolt Bronnen: Entre o Communismo e o Nacional-Socialismo

Arnolt Bronnen: Entre o Comunismo e o Nacional-Socialismo   por Werner Olles Ex: http://legio-victrix.blogspot.com/ Arnolt Bronnen nasceu em 19 de agosto de 1895 em Viena. Desde muito jovem decidiu mudar seu nome verdadeiro (Arnold Bronner) pelo que anos mais tarde conhecerá a celebridade no mundo das letras. Esta tendência a maquiar a realidade acompanhar-lhe-á...

Publié le 02/08/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

The NewDark Age: The Frankfurt School and ”Political Correctness”

The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness' Michael Minnicino Ex: http://www.wermodandwermod.com/ The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization. Most of us have become so inured, that the death of millions from starvation and...

Publié le 31/07/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Storia della cultura fascista

Storia della cultura fascista di Luca Leonello Rimbotti Fonte: mirorenzaglia [scheda fonte] È appena uscito un libro eccellente sul Fascismo e la sua importanza come moderno movimento rivoluzionario: non esitiamo a considerarlo un vero e proprio manuale di base, in grado di rompere gli steccati del conformismo vetero-ideologico e di porsi come strumento di...

Publié le 25/07/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Remembering Isadora Duncan, Pagan Priestess of Dance

Remembering Isadora Duncan: Pagan Priestess of Dance By Amanda BRADLEY Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/ “In those far-off days which we are pleased to call Pagan, every emotion had its corresponding movement. Soul, body, mind worked together in perfect harmony.” —Isadora Duncan The life of Isadora Duncan was marked by opposition to every aspect of bourgeois...

Publié le 29/05/2011 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

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