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Notes sur le tag : pagan

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Gospels don't sing

Motherfucker does like music -son of anarchy does mistake it. Anarchy and music? Why not drug and anarchy? School and anarchy? More teachers!? Behind mass-murderers, or even the little serial-killer, you can find the music principle. And if musicians were not those hypocrits, they would praise Hitler as the best conductor of its generation! As the 1936's Olympic Games were a hit! It is...

Publié le 22/08/2012 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

Roma against the Machine?

French Essayist F. Huguenin recently tried to demonstrate that Pope Benedictus XVIth has nothing to do with liberalism or capitalism contrarily to what his friendly USA-Tour could for instance make the world believe in. Problem of Huguenin's theory is that there are many French Catholic who do think today that Capitalism can be mixed with the Gospel; those 'Catholic' people are therefore...

Publié le 23/02/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

Pagan Poetry

Aux Bois de Gahenne, sous les frondaisons devant la robe pourpre et l'oeil profond venant perdre en ce lieu toute souffrance et, à l'abri des dieux, mener la danse entraînant dans ses pas esprits et bêtes tout ce qui vit là se joint à la fête    Le joyeux rigodon parvient au coeur du bois, se met en rond ; une clameur jaillit de l'assemblée....

Publié le 22/11/2007 dans paVupApRi par tiniak | Lire la suite...

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