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Notes sur le tag : book

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Religion and the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe (2021)

I n Western Europe, populist radical right parties are calling for a return to Christian or Judeo-Christian values and identity. The growing electoral success of many of these parties may suggest that, after decades of secularisation, Western Europeans are returning to religion. Yet these parties do not tell their supporters to go to church, believe in God, or practise traditional Christian...

Publié le 01/04/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Urban Secularism Negotiating Religious Diversity in Europe

While French laïcité is often considered something fixed, its daily deployment is rather messy. What might we learn if we study the governance of religion from a dynamic bottom-up perspective? Using an ethnographic approach, this book examines everyday secularism in the making. How do city actors understand, frame and govern religious diversity? Which local factors play a role in those...

Publié le 25/03/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

European Evangelicals in Egypt (1900-1956), Brill

This scholarly book is the published version of a PhD dissertation submitted by Dr Samir Boulos in 2013 at the University of Zurich. It is a well-researched attempt at understanding the interactions of three European Evangelical missions (two of them British, and one German) active in Egypt in colonial, late colonial and post colonial contexts, from a cultural studies perspective. Here...

Publié le 04/02/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Diffamation and reply : French pastor Samuel Peterschmitt strikes back

50 years ago, French Evangelicals were still shy sideliners . Today, as they reach 1 million of believers, it is not the case anymore. They have somehow become "mainline", not within French global socieyty, but at least within French protestantism. An example among many is the open way French world champion Olivier Giroud (who already scored 44 goals for the French football national...

Publié le 19/11/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Genders, Sexualities, and Spiritualities in African Pentecostalism

In the last three decades, African Pentecostalism has emerged as one the most visible and profound aspects of religious change on the continent, and is a social force that straddles cultural, economic, and political spheres. Its conventional and selective literal interpretations of the Bible with respect to gender and sexualities are increasingly perceived as exhibiting a strong...

Publié le 22/10/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Religion and Neonationalism in Europe (2020)

How do religions contribute to contemporary nation-building processes ? Thanks to Florian Höhne, Torsten Meireis (Ed.), this impressive 2020 book sheds new light on the complex relationships between religion and (neo)nationalism. T he contributions to this volume analyse the complex relations between religious traditions, groups and ideas on the one hand, and (neo-)nationalism on the...

Publié le 15/10/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Sunday schools movement in France: read Anne Ruolt

Sunday schools were first set up in the 18th century in Protestant England to provide education to working children. Since then, the movement spread worldwide. Some very insightful researches have been conducted. For England, let's mention Stephen Orchard, John H. Y. Briggs, The Sunday School Movement : Studies in the Growth and Decline of Sunday Schools , Londres, Paternoster,...

Publié le 08/10/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Current debates within the ”Black Church”, USA: a needed book

In USA, what we use to define as "Black theology" has emphasized the role of Christian faith in addressing racism and other forms of oppression, arguing that Jesus urged his disciples to seek the freedom of all peoples. Meanwhile, the  so-called "Black church", even when focused on social concerns, has often emphasized personal piety rather than social protest. With the rising...

Publié le 30/09/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Is Europe christian ?

As Europe wrangles over questions of national identity, nativism and immigration, Olivier Roy interrogates the place of Christianity, foundation of Western identity. Do secularism and Islam really pose threats to the continent's 'Christian values'? What will be the fate of Christianity in Europe? Whatever we may think of Olivier Roy's sometimes hasardeous prognosis on the so-called...

Publié le 12/04/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

A major book on French religious minorities

This unprecedented work (1152p) has just been published in French (Bayard, 2019). It brings together nearly 80 sociologists, ethnologists, anthropologists and historians. It aims to provide a better understanding of the religious groups present in France and their recent development. In a new approach, it offers a series of chapters each presenting in detail a religious...

Publié le 30/10/2019 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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