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Notes sur le tag : cold

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In the Indian North pole...

Saturday I was cold... I wrote about these new (Indian) sensations... Since then, the temperatures dropped even more! Zero! Without heaters! So I ate duck’s fat (with a bit of meat) for 4 days to fight the cold - and incidentally to empty my cupboards. I helped carry down the stairs a huge shelf to warm up in the morning – and spraining a muscle at the same time....

Publié le 10/01/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Here comes the time of...

… Indian Russian dolls!   That's what the rickshaw drivers look like in winter in Delhi... Which brings me to my new Indian hardship: the cold. A few weeks ago I mentioned the hell that the humid heat of the Andamans was. A few months ago I mentioned the hell that the 47 degrees of Delhi were. Well, now, I will talk about the hell that 3 degrees are. I am led to...

Publié le 06/01/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

KHORS - The Flame of Eternity’s Decline / Cold

(M.a.j d'octobre 2014) Tous les groupes, labels, personnes, (etc.) qu’ils/elles soient ukrainien(ne)s ou non, qui affichent clairement leur soutien aux banksters au pouvoir à Kiev, et aux salopards de chez Svoboda, Pravy Sektor, Azov & Cie… sont et seront dorénavant considérés comme nos ennemis, et ce dans tous les sens du terme !  (Voir ici pour plus de détails)....

Publié le 11/01/2012 dans Die... par Kurgan | Lire la suite...

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