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Notes sur le tag : state

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France: christians unite against increased State control

Major representatives of the three branches of French Christianity, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox speak out in a column published in the daily Le Figaro yesterday. They warn about the current "separatism bill" and the threat of an increased State control over churches and religions. For them, freedom is at stake. Link.

Publié le 11/03/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...


Publié le 03/04/2013 dans Sky3RN'z... par Sky3RN | Lire la suite...


Pour commencer ce mois d'Août je vous propose d'écouter ma toute nouvelle chanson " STATE HOMICIDE " sortie aujourd'hui même ! Faisons-en un tube de l'été hein ? ;-) La Bise, Skyërn Aklea 's new single " STATE HOMICIDE " (from " HEMOZAS Y MEMOROS " upcoming album) produced by Tony Spadaro @ SOUNDARO STUDIO , written by Skyërn Aklea, featured by LALOULINE EDITIONS. © All rights...

Publié le 01/08/2012 dans Sky3RN'z... par Sky3RN | Lire la suite...

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