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Notes sur le tag : sikh

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The talk of the day

Four years ago I met a girl in Pune. Sweet fun girl. Sikh girl dating a Christian guy for like 4 years. Studying dentistry. We went for a few drinks. Normal student life…   Then one day she went home in Punjab. Told her mum about the boyfriend. Decision was taken: you finish your semester and you come back home. It then took a year to find the husband. The kind of guy who...

Publié le 08/12/2011 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

The hundred dollar question!

Why do Sikhs wear a turban??   A few words about this religion first. It was founded over 500 years ago. The founder of the Sikh religion was Guru Nanak who was born in 1469. The origin of this religion is not agreed upon but it was created at a time where Hindus and Muslims kept fighting and it takes a lot from both religions. Guru Nanak preached a message of love...

Publié le 27/03/2011 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Toute petite balade à Delhi

Je sors de l''hotel, et trés vite bien sûr avec mon sens de l'orientation inné, je me perds....... quelques photos de la rue: un coiffeur: des échoppes: des vendeurs de journaux: Et puis j'arrive dans une grande avenue, d'aprés mon plan je ne suis pas du tout là ou je devrais être... Alors me voyant perdue, un jeune homme me propose de m'accompagné au grand Temple Sihk,...

Publié le 16/03/2006 dans 33, rue... par Vavolte | Lire la suite...

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