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Notes sur le tag : protestantism

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THe French weekly Réforme has got a new director

Founded in 1945, Réforme is the main French protestant weekly. Notoriously very close to the French Presbyterian identity, rooted in the Huguenot past, Réforme has regularly struggled to widen its horizon. Widen, enlarge, why ? Why ? Because a weekly without new readers has no much future. Réforme 's main concern is the medium age of its readers: close to the retirement age-limit....

Publié le 10/12/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Sunday schools movement in France: read Anne Ruolt

Sunday schools were first set up in the 18th century in Protestant England to provide education to working children. Since then, the movement spread worldwide. Some very insightful researches have been conducted. For England, let's mention Stephen Orchard, John H. Y. Briggs, The Sunday School Movement : Studies in the Growth and Decline of Sunday Schools , Londres, Paternoster,...

Publié le 08/10/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

White Catholics for Trump (2020)

According to the 2020 French media, it seems that Trump's religious support only comes from White Evangelicals. That's wrong. While it is not deniable that US white Evangelicals remain Trump's strongest religious ally (with an approval rate around 75%), let's not forget that a strong majority of US White Catholics do support Donald Trump too. According to the last research released by the...

Publié le 24/09/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

A ”must-”read”: the French Virtual Museum of Protestantism

Did you know that Luther’s ideas began to spread in France from 1520 onwards. The authorities did their best to oppose them. From 1540, under Jean Calvin’s influence, a new Church took shape, but separate from the Roman Catholic Church. To know more, just click here ( link ), to reach the French-based Virtual Museum of Protestantism , an excellent website dedicated to spread scholarly...

Publié le 14/12/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

”French evangelical networks before 1555: proto-churches?”

"Over eight hundred Reformed churches sprang into existence in France between 1555 and 1562. Their advent occurred after a thirty-five year period of buildup, during which evangelical doctrines gained adherents throughout the kingdom and local networks formed out of which those churches would coalesce. (..) why and how these conventicles grew and then suddenly...

Publié le 12/02/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

French Protestant History on iTunes

Who wants to discover French protestants in an easy, user-friendly way? Wait a minute, iTunes has something for you. The Protestant Library was created as an extension of the Internet site www.museeprotestant.org , of the Virtual Museum of French Protestantism (Pasteur Eugène Bersier Foundation of French Protestant History ). The first volume, "History of Protestant France"...

Publié le 19/06/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Christianismes en Océanie - Changing Christianity in Oceania (publication)

Le numéro 157 des Archives de sciences sociales des religions , que j'ai coordonné, vient de paraître. Intitulé "Christianismes en Océanie - Changing Christianity in Oceania", il rassemble 8 contributions et marque l'aboutissement d'un travail collectif entamé en 2008 à l'occasion de journées d'études dont j'avais alors parlé ici . The issue #157 of the Archives de sciences...

Publié le 09/04/2012 dans Yannick Fer par Yannick Fer | Lire la suite...

How many Protestants today in the world ? 800 millions

This is one of the many questions the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life helps to answer, due to a huge world survey on contemporary Christianity. This comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 2.18 billion Christians of all ages around the world, representing nearly a third of the estimated 2010 global population of 6.9 billion. To know more,...

Publié le 22/12/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Protestantism... of Satan?

    Protestantism is for some Sociologists the Matrix of Capitalism; obviously they did not read German Luther, Dutch Erasmus or English Francis Bacon. Condemning Speculation M. Luther is not different from Catholic Dante Alighieri; that makes today Catholic Pope more 'Protestant' -in the sociologist idea- than Luther himself! This problem allows to understand two points:...

Publié le 14/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

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