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Notes sur le tag : lusitania

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Behind the Sinking of the Lusitania

Behind the Sinking of the Lusitania By Patrick J. Buchanan Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com About how America became involved in certain wars, many conspiracy theories have been advanced — and some have been proved correct. When James K. Polk got his declaration of war as Mexico had “shed American blood upon the American soil,” Rep. Abraham Lincoln...

Publié le 06/09/2014 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Hello, monsieur Pessoa !

Lisbonne, octobre 2013. L       Ci-dessus, statue de Fernando Pessoa au café A Brasileira.

Publié le 06/10/2013 dans LE BLOG... par Christian COTTET-EMARD | Lire la suite...

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