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Notes sur le tag : hard techno
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LBA k7 [114]
After-after-after huge pirate sound system with a wild bunch of party freaks on the camping area @ "Les Eurockéennes de Belfort" in 1996. One year later, access to camping was forbidden to all kind of weird trucks. Keywords : Synewave / Djax-up-beats / Contact / Gerd / For 12 minutes she danced with an alien / Claude Young / Studio k7 / Scret Cinema / Music Man / Jeff Mills / Axis /...
Publié le 28/12/2017 dans Sound System par Debbie Gaines | Lire la suite...
LBA K7 [001]
Mixed & recorded in the mountains @ "Eastern Invasion", somewhere in Elsass, Fr. 1996. < remember Bob le Baron > Keywords : Basic Channel / Jeff Mills / Axis / Accelerator / Reload / Dave Clarke / Bush / Planet Rhythm / Planet of Drums / Spiral Tribe / Dropbass Network / Random XS / Djax-up-beats / Plastikman / +8 / Planet Gong / Octaves and Tremolos… Mixed by Dj...
Publié le 15/06/2017 dans Sound System par Debbie Gaines | Lire la suite...
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