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Notes sur le tag : evangelicals

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Evangelical churches in France: facts, figures & home truths (D. Buick)

According to a CNEF report published earlier this year, there are  1,600 more Evangelical churches in France than in 1970 , according to the document, for a current total of over 2,000. The  CNEF   survey  also details progress in national coverage: 87 per cent of the country is now said to be within half an hour's drive of an evangelical congregation. Pastor David...

Publié le 22/04/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Chrétiens sionistes

    Wolfgang CASPART: Réflexions sur les “chrétiens sionistes”   Les “chrétiens sionistes” aux Etats-Unis sont notamment ces évangélistes qui prêchent un lien indéfectible entre Washington et Tel Aviv   Les calvinistes puritains partagent avec les juifs le culte de l’Ancien Testament. Ce n’est pas simplement une option religieuse, donc...

Publié le 16/09/2014 dans VOULOIR par Europa Patria Nostra | Lire la suite...

Réflexions sur les “chrétiens sionistes”

  Wolfgang CASPART: Réflexions sur les “chrétiens sionistes”   Les “chrétiens sionistes” aux Etats-Unis sont notamment ces évangélistes qui prêchent un lien indéfectible entre Washington et Tel Aviv   Les calvinistes puritains partagent avec les juifs le culte de l’Ancien Testament. Ce n’est pas simplement une option religieuse, donc...

Publié le 03/01/2014 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Juba (South Sudan): studying its changing Christian landscape

Independent since 2011, South Sudan is a rapidly changing country, with huge challenges ahead. As a scholar working on religion from a social science perspective, I am currently studying the changing landscape of Christianity in Juba, the capital. After a belated landing in Juba on the 23d of November, I will leave on the 2d of December, 2013. Meanwhile, as I do my best to document my...

Publié le 26/11/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

A much needed book to understand Health and Wealth Gospel

The CEIA, located in Lognes , near Paris, is the biggest Evangelical meeting in France. Last year, the main theme was Health and Wealth Gospel . Not surprising! This growing movement, mostly popular within some Charismatic circles, is taking roots in France. The two biggest Evangelical congregations in Paris, which are Charisma Eglise Chrétienne and Paris Centre Chrétien , could...

Publié le 10/09/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Levenson Prize 2013 for a groundbreaking book on religion in China

As a colleague of both in the French GSRL team , I very proudly recommand  Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer   The Religious Question in Modern China    (University of Chicago Press, 2011), a groundbreaking book which obtained the 2013 AAS CIAC Levenson Book Prize ! The Religious Question in Modern China , co-authored by Vincent Goossaert and David...

Publié le 27/04/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

2012, the Year when French ”cellar Evangelicals” came into fame

As a scholar working on Evangelicals, what would be my "highlight of the year"?  As far as France is concerned, I choose  the huge media attention on "cellar Evangelicals" after a tragic accident that happened in Stains (Paris subburbs) on the 8th of April, 2012 (Easter). Paris is not only the "city of light". It is also a multicultural metropolis where poverty, unemployment,...

Publié le 10/12/2012 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Back from South Sudan and Hope for a New nation Festival

I just come back from an amazing week in JUBA (South Sudan), where I went to survey, as a French scholar, a huge Christian event organized by Rev Franklin Graham .  At the HOPE FOR A NEW NATION Festival I've been to, there were apparently up to 94,000 attenders in 2 days. Amazing! For those who speak French, there are more details in my French-speaking blog , and also in...

Publié le 01/11/2012 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

French Evangelicals through an American lens (GetReligion)

In our last post, we just highlighted the paper published by the Christian Science Monitor on French Evangelicals. A few days after, the GetReligion website (worth a visit!) released a critical review of this paper , written by George Conger . Although it may be a little bit severe, it is inspiring (read also the comments). Link here

Publié le 30/07/2012 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

French Evangelicals screened by the Christian Science Monitor

"For years, intellectuals proclaimed the end of Christianity in France, swallowed by the tides of modernity, science, and reason." Not so sure! To know more, read this month the Christian Science Monito r , one of the most US respected magazine on christian news. Robert Marquand , CS's Staff writer, authored a must-read study on French Evangelicals in the July 2012 issue . With...

Publié le 20/07/2012 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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