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Notes sur le tag : security

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The traveling hugger... (Part 5)

The same night I was taking the plane to Mumbai. At the check-in desk, the SpiceJet guy told me that I should probably check in my hugger but seeing me pouting, he offered to let me try my luck at the security check...   At the security check, one of the military woman – women have separate lines in India – asked me what it was. I explained but she was not keen on letting it go...

Publié le 16/07/2013 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Commonwealth Games 2010 - Security upgrade

"Security upgrade. To keep smaller monkeys away from the Games venues, Delhi's civic authorities have brought in 10 additional langurs to chase them away." Hindustantimes, Tuesday September 24 And to chase terrorists away?? Shall they find bigger terrorists?? Or do nothing?? Grey langur

Publié le 29/09/2010 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

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