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Notes sur le tag : portuguese

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By a sunny (and not yet too hot) afternoon I went for a walk in a 'village in the city', a haven of peace in the bustling metropolis, a jump from Mumbai to Bombay, a flashback one hundred and fifty years ago... More specifically I went to Girgaon (or Girgaum) and in Khotachiwadi. There you can see bungalows (28 of them are left of the original 65) Portuguese-style – the...

Publié le 30/03/2014 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Rage on Pain

"One good thing about music, when it hit you feel no pain." said Robert Marley. My favourite music is both Robert Marley's and German middle-age folk music, although I hate Mozart or the Rolling Stones for paederastic people out of Harvard or any kind of Business School. In the Satanic High School or Church I do prefer Adolf Hitler. Black who want to be White are the same than White...

Publié le 02/03/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

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