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Notes sur le tag : merle haggard

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Make up and faded blue jeans par Kevin Moon

Publié le 01/03/2013 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...

Texas Fiddle song par Merle Haggard

Publié le 04/01/2013 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...

If We Make It Through December par Merle Haggard

Publié le 24/12/2012 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...

Merle Haggard- The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde

    Bonnie was a waitress in a small cafe Clyde Barrow was the rounder that took her away They both robbed and killed until both of them died So goes the Legend of Bonnie and Clyde. The poems that she wrote of the life that they led Told of the lawmen left dying or dead Some say that Clyde made her life a shame But the legend made Bonnie the head of the...

Publié le 28/05/2012 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...

Merle Haggard- Silver Wings

Publié le 10/05/2012 dans La Country... par Thibault Chaplain | Lire la suite...

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