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Notes sur le tag : elements of chemistry

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Elements of Chemistry - Capture

  de Penny Reid , 2015. Présentation de l'auteur : One week. Manhattan apartment. Super-hot ex-boyfriend… What’s the worst that could happen? It’s been nine months since Kaitlyn Parker has seen or heard from Martin Sandeke—nine months and five stages of matter. She’s lived through the worst of first-love heartbreak, and is most certainly stronger (and less likely to hide in...

Publié le 21/05/2015 dans Bananas in... par Nanou | Lire la suite...

Elements of Chemistry - Heat

  de Penny Reid (2015). Présentation de l'auteur : Four days left. Private beach (…and boat). Not so invisible girl. And maybe less of a jerk-faced bully than originally thought. What’s the worst (or the best) that could happen? Kaitlyn is finding life outside of the science cabinet of obscurity to be quite illuminating …and so are her pants. When things heat up between...

Publié le 08/05/2015 dans Bananas in... par Nanou | Lire la suite...

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