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Notes sur le tag : africa

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New Christianities explored in Afrique Contemporaine

Edited by the Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency), the quarterly journal Afrique Contemporaine makes available the analyses and opinions of researchers and specialists on the evolution of the African continent with a view towards sustainable development.   It has been an honour for me to lead a special issue, with my colleague Dr Cedric Mayrargue, about...

Publié le 01/11/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Legacy of a bold and talented French photojournalist

"The French government has confirmed the death of Camille Lepage, a 26-year -old photojournalist working in the Central African Republic. The country is wracked with political instability,  resulting in widespread violence, internal displacement and sectarian tension. Her body was found by French peacekeeping troops on May 13, 2014." (click here to read more ) Camille Lepage was...

Publié le 14/05/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Faith in Empire: Religion.. & Colonial Rule in French Senegal

" Faith in Empire  is an innovative exploration of French colonial rule in West Africa, conducted through the prism of religion and religious policy.  Elizabeth Foster examines the relationships among French Catholic missionaries, colonial administrators, and Muslim, animist, and Christian Africans in colonial Senegal between 1880 and 1940. In doing so she...

Publié le 12/04/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

South Sudan : leaving hatred behind ?

As heavy fighting plagues South Sudan since mid-december 2013, let's share a wish (see below):  May this motto replace hatred (picture taken in Juba, 2d december, 2013)

Publié le 27/12/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Juba (South Sudan): studying its changing Christian landscape

Independent since 2011, South Sudan is a rapidly changing country, with huge challenges ahead. As a scholar working on religion from a social science perspective, I am currently studying the changing landscape of Christianity in Juba, the capital. After a belated landing in Juba on the 23d of November, I will leave on the 2d of December, 2013. Meanwhile, as I do my best to document my...

Publié le 26/11/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Multiple Modernities and Postsecular Societies

The French like big concepts, with a capital letter, and ONE definition, once for all. Modernity, Liberty, Equality, Republic... Inherited from an Imperial past, a Republican model filled with messianism and a Catholic culture (centralized and absolute), this mindset  is still around, but it is less and less prevailing. Excellent news! Which does not mean we favor a relativist...

Publié le 01/04/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

A new leading figure of the European research field on African churches

Remember Annalisa Butticci ’s name : as the Padova International Conference on Pentecostalism reaches its end today, she’s the one to be praised (along with her mentor Enzo Pace ) for boosting studies on Pentecostal and immigrant churches in Latin Europe.  After having completed her Ph.D in Sociology and Methodology for Social Science Research from the Catholic University of...

Publié le 09/06/2012 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

♥ l'Okahirongo Elephant Lodge {Puros, Namibia} Part III ♥

Donc ce soir c'est la dernière escale à l'Okahirongo Elephant Lodge que je vous propose si vous le voulez bien! Savourez-la comme il se doit...et RDV asap pour une autre jolie évasion namibienne!     (la 'pièce' ouverte dédiée aux petits déjeuners!) xoxo

Publié le 13/12/2011 dans Les bons... par Sonia | Lire la suite...

♥ l'Okahirongo Elephant Lodge {Puros, Namibia} Part I ♥

Hello, vous vous souvenez du paradisiaque   Okahirongo Elephant Lodge dont je vous parlais ICI et LA ? J'ai eu la chance d'y séjourner complètement par hasard, lucky us, (thanks a lot again dear Pieter!) lors de mon inoubliable road-trip en Namibie en mars dernier avec les Crazy Girls...et Frédéric Taddéï en parlait quelques semaines...

Publié le 27/11/2011 dans Les bons... par Sonia | Lire la suite...

Orgulho Na Selecção de Portugal nas ruas de Paris

Assisti pela Tv como uma grande parte dos nossos compatriotas em Portugal e no mundo e que alegria de ver uma equipa nacional a jogar pela primeira vez colectivamente e o resultado foi a imagem da qualidade de jogo desenvolvido pela equipa Portuguesa. Para assistir a alegria Portuguesa em Paris fui dar um giro aos campos Elísios na cidade de Paris e mais de 500 compatriotas não...

Publié le 22/06/2010 dans Tuga... par Amandio DE OLIVEIRA | Lire la suite...

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