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Notes sur le tag : poverty

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Publié le 06/05/2012 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

In Bandra, ”fancy” neighborhood of Mumbai

The other day I dragged my friend on Reclamation (Bandra West) fly-over to take pictures of the snaps… I have been on this fly-over God knows how many times (and for how long, since there is always a lot of traffic on that bridge), every time thinking that I wanted to take pictures. So I finally did it… Please see Survivors of another kind (in reference to: ): Mumbai,...

Publié le 30/01/2012 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

A face of Mumbai...


Publié le 20/12/2011 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

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