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Notes sur le tag : drug
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Drug as a Religion
Not only Religion is a drug used by Politickers (History of Karl Marx describing Christian Theology as a drug is concerning Christianity when it was not splitted from Political Power, i.e. until 1800 in France. In true Marxist History, Christian religion died in Europe around 1800 and was replaced by nazism of G.W.F. Hegel; Marx is describing German Philosophy as the new Religion, stronger...
Publié le 02/04/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...
Addiction of the Gay
In 'GQ quarterly' , newspaper magazine for Gay Men* translated in French, I read this interview of French Former Prime Minister Alain Juppé (famous in France for his incredible arrogance). He is admitting in this interview that 'Politics is a drug' . Hey, don't you need to be gay yourself to ignore in 2010 that politics is the strongest drug that killed millions of people quicker than...
Publié le 11/02/2010 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...
The boat that rocked
Tel est le nom original de la dernière comédie de Richard Curtis : Good Morning England . Le réalisateur de Love actualy et le scénariste de Quatre mariages et un enterrement , Coup de foudre à Notting Hill et Le journal de Briget Jones nous fais vivre un retour dans le temps à l'époque folle du pop/rock des sixties en Angleterre. « Sex, drug and...
Publié le 11/06/2009 dans Ma Pause Café par MaPausecafé | Lire la suite...
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