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Notes sur le tag : terrorism

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Standing by Nice

Publié le 29/10/2020 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

PARIS, 13th of November, 2015

Publié le 13/11/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Eurojihad Patterns of Islamist Radicalization and Terrorism in Europe

Eurojihad examines the sources of radicalization in Muslim communities in Europe and the responses of European governments and societies. In an effort to understand the scope and dynamics of Islamist extremism and terrorism in Europe, this book takes into account recent developments, in particular the emergence of Syria as a major destination of European jihadists. Angel Rabasa and Cheryl...

Publié le 12/11/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Faith kills

  Everyone has by now heard of the recent attacks (on July 13th) in Mumbai. Toll: 18 dead people. They can do better… No provocation here; Indians have proved their expertise in terrorism and if you see the scale of previous attacks, they could really have made more damage. If the idea is to terrorize, they have a long way to go. Once passed the initial shock of “I could have been...

Publié le 16/07/2011 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

A thick-skinned myth…

I met a French girl travelling in India who told me it would be a good thing if Indians became « leaders » of the world because they are non-violent. I had a quite violent reaction…! Indians are like every other human being, not more violent, not less violent.   Hum, maybe with a few exceptions:   §...

Publié le 31/03/2011 dans Indian... par IndianSamourai | Lire la suite...

Tue. 11 Sept. 2001 || Tue. 11 Sept. 2007

Tuesday 11 September 2001 . I remember every single thing of that fateful day. Memories are stuck in my mind for a lifetime. No words can express the utter disbelief that I felt then, six years ago to the day, glued to my TV screen, my vision blurred by the tears in my eyes. No words can relate that tragedy. The sight of that plane heading for the emblematic skyscraper, which looked...

Publié le 11/09/2007 dans IN BLog we... par Nikolaz | Lire la suite...

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