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Notes sur le tag : leonid savin

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«Cibergeopolítica, organizaciones y alma rusa» de Leonid Savin

Novedad editorial: «Cibergeopolítica, organizaciones y alma rusa» de Leonid Savin Ex: http://culturatransversal.wordpress.com Tenemos el placer de presentar a nuestros lectores una nueva obra que, como viene siendo costumbre en nuestras publicaciones, no tiene precedente alguno en lengua castellana. «Cibergeopolítica, organizaciones y alma rusa» de Leonid...

Publié le 30/10/2015 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...


Cybergeopolitica Por Leonid Savin*   Ex: http://elespiadigital.com Desde nuestra red de alianzas con think-tanks acercamos el análisis del intelectual ruso Leonid Savin. Siguiendo el objetivo de acercar diferentes perspectivas desde diversas capitales del mundo, compartimos conceptos sobre la evolución de la geopolítica en la interpretación de...

Publié le 22/04/2014 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

The Dark Side of Globalization

The Dark Side of Globalization Leonid Savin   Ex: http://www.geopolitica.ru   Despite the fact that research on globalization has been ongoing for decades, a clear definition of the phenomenon, accepted by the entire international scientific community does not exist. Further, it is not possible to think about globalization in only one...

Publié le 02/04/2014 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Выпуск № 5. Контргегемония

Выпуск № 5. Контргегемония   http://www.geopolitica.ru/magazine/ Дугин А. Г. Контргегемония............................................................7 Дугин А. Г. Контргегемония в теории многополярного мира....27 Мелентьева Н. В. Контргегемония по горизонтали и по вертикали (пролегомены к Евразийской...

Publié le 23/11/2013 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Myth, Utopia, & Pluriversal Realism

Myth, Utopia, & Pluriversal Realism By Leonid Savin   Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com Georges Sorel divided social and political formations into two types: (1) those which had a myth as the basis for their ideology, and (2) those which appealed to utopian ideas. The first category he attributed to revolutionary socialism, where the true revolutionary...

Publié le 02/10/2013 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Европа, глобализация и метаполитика

Европа, глобализация и метаполитика   Г-н Стойкерс, мы хотели бы начать наше интервью с описания текущей ситуации в ЕС, особенно в Северо-Западном регионе. Что вы могли бы рассказать нам об этом?   Ситуация в странах Бенилюкса представляет собой то, что я мог бы назвать тупиком: Нидерланды как мультикультурное государство с католическим большинством, хотя пару...

Publié le 29/08/2013 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Selective Jihad

Selective Jihad Leonid Savin   Ex: http://www.geopolitica.ru   The sudden intensification of the conflict between members of two Islamic sects – Sunni and Shi’ite – in several Middle Eastern countries at once suggests that it is not a question of a spontaneous outbreak of hostility, but rather the targeted fomentation of artificially-created...

Publié le 28/08/2013 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Europe, Globalization and Metapolitics

Robert Steuckers: Europe, Globalization and Metapolitics Questions by Leonid Savin (April/May 2013) Ex: http://www.geopolitca.ru/ Mr. Steuckers, we would like to start our interview by describing the current situation in the EU, especially in its North-West region. What could you tell us about it?   The situation in the Benelux-countries is what...

Publié le 13/06/2013 dans VOULOIR par Europa Patria Nostra | Lire la suite...

Europe, Globalization and Metapolitics

  Robert Steuckers: Europe, Globalization and Metapolitics Questions by Leonid Savin (April/May 2013) Ex: http://www.geopolitca.ru/ Mr. Steuckers, we would like to start our interview by describing the current situation in the EU, especially in its North-West region. What could you tell us about it?   The situation in the...

Publié le 13/06/2013 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Interview with Mr Leonid SAVIN

  Interview with Mr Leonid SAVIN of the International Eurasian Movement   - Could you describe in a few key words the essence and goals of your movement? Does it place itself in an existing sociopolitical-historical trend of Russian politics? Does it lobby in Russian government circles to achieve its goals?   The main...

Publié le 25/03/2013 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

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