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Notes sur le tag : evangelicalism

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French Evangelical News: a new portal

Under the umbrella of an Evangelical network whose main ambition is to support Christian witness in France, let's highlight this website: http://www.scoop.it/t/french-evangelical-news . This new portal puts together news from many different origins (including this blog), and appears to be a valuable ressource in order to document French Evangelicals' contemporary life.

Publié le 27/10/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Immigration impact on an old Parisian congregation: a case study

As migrants flow in increasing numbers in "old Europe", changing forever social and cultural landscapes, more and more studies are currently undergone about new multicultural and immigrant churches. Although all Christian traditions are impacted by immigration, Evangelicalism is at the frontline , as warm, grassroot and zealous Evangelical congregations appear more attractive to migrants...

Publié le 24/10/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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