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Notes sur le tag : erkenbrand

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On the Shoulders of Giants: The Third Erkenbrand Conference

On the Shoulders of Giants: The Third Erkenbrand Conference Erkenbrand The Erkenbrand Conference rapidly emerged as the Netherlands’ equivalent of American Renaissance or the Scandza Forum. Erkenbrand is noted for its atmosphere of brotherhood and idealism, and its cutting-edge thought on ensuring the survival and flourishing of European peoples.  The...

Publié le 04/09/2018 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

3d Erkenbrand National Conference - 2018

Dear friends, On the third of November 2018, the third edition of the Erkenbrand National Conference will take place in the Netherlands. The previous edition was a great success. With over 200 attendees and special guests from all over the world, Erkenbrand has established itself as one of the premier nationalist organizations in Europe. This year we offer...

Publié le 27/08/2018 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Robert Steuckers toespraak bij Erkenbrand 2017 ”Towards a new golden age”

Robert Steuckers toespraak bij Erkenbrand 2017 "Towards a new golden age"   Erkenbrand Kanaal   Robert Steuckers spreekt over Duits idealisme en ideologische vernieuwing.  

Publié le 22/11/2017 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Erkenbrand Conference 2017: 'Towards a New Golden Age'

Erkenbrand Conference 2017: 'Towards a New Golden Age' Guillaume Durocher   London Forum Monsieur Durocher reminds us that nationalism is not merely a description of emotive attachment to our countryof birth, but also an innate sense of belonging. Family, community, and history figure hugely in love for one's homeland, and because these...

Publié le 06/11/2017 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

Studiegenootschap Erkenbrand Conference 2017- Towards a New Golden Age

Studiegenootschap Erkenbrand Conference 2017 Towards a New Golden Age   Erkenbrand Kanaal   On 14 October 2017, Studiegenootschap Erkenbrand will host its second annual conference. Speakers will be Jared Taylor, Millennial Woes, Robert Steuckers and Guillaume Durocher.   For tickets, visit:...

Publié le 03/09/2017 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

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