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Notes sur le tag : south sudan

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Dernières notes

Legacy of a bold and talented French photojournalist

"The French government has confirmed the death of Camille Lepage, a 26-year -old photojournalist working in the Central African Republic. The country is wracked with political instability,  resulting in widespread violence, internal displacement and sectarian tension. Her body was found by French peacekeeping troops on May 13, 2014." (click here to read more ) Camille Lepage was...

Publié le 14/05/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

South Sudan : leaving hatred behind ?

As heavy fighting plagues South Sudan since mid-december 2013, let's share a wish (see below):  May this motto replace hatred (picture taken in Juba, 2d december, 2013)

Publié le 27/12/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Juba (South Sudan): studying its changing Christian landscape

Independent since 2011, South Sudan is a rapidly changing country, with huge challenges ahead. As a scholar working on religion from a social science perspective, I am currently studying the changing landscape of Christianity in Juba, the capital. After a belated landing in Juba on the 23d of November, I will leave on the 2d of December, 2013. Meanwhile, as I do my best to document my...

Publié le 26/11/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

An amazing South Sudan refugee's testimony published in France

This is a book to remember. In Je suis encore vivante (transl, " Still Alive ") , Mrs Naomi Baki , a young mother and refugee from South Sudan, shares a unique story of survival, from deep South Sudan to France, crossing Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Turkey and Greece, where she stayed for almost 10 years. This is a heart-wrenching story of redemption, from bondage (forced conversion...

Publié le 06/10/2013 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Back from South Sudan and Hope for a New nation Festival

I just come back from an amazing week in JUBA (South Sudan), where I went to survey, as a French scholar, a huge Christian event organized by Rev Franklin Graham .  At the HOPE FOR A NEW NATION Festival I've been to, there were apparently up to 94,000 attenders in 2 days. Amazing! For those who speak French, there are more details in my French-speaking blog , and also in...

Publié le 01/11/2012 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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