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Notes sur le tag : sebastien fath

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Retour sur le colloque ”Afropéanité” (FUTP / CARES / Bruxelles)

Des interventions passionnantes, des échanges nourris et stimulants, des pistes à poursuivre: Le colloque de lancement du centre CARES , à Bruxelles, fut un grand succès scientifique, et au-delà. Je remercie vivement Bernard Coyault , le doyen de la FUTP, de m'avoir donné l'occasion et l'honneur de présenter les trois intervenantes de la dernière table-ronde, Christiane Baka,...

Publié le 24/10/2022 dans Sébastien FATH par A lire | Lire la suite...

Evangelicals in Brazil and in USA : a comparative study

Debates do NER is a Brazilian biannual journal, created in 1997 on the initiative of the Center for the Study of Religion (NER), of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Debates do NER is currently one of the most important vehicles for disseminating research related to the Social Sciences of Religion in Mercosur. Thanks to...

Publié le 07/01/2021 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

New Christianities explored in Afrique Contemporaine

Edited by the Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency), the quarterly journal Afrique Contemporaine makes available the analyses and opinions of researchers and specialists on the evolution of the African continent with a view towards sustainable development.   It has been an honour for me to lead a special issue, with my colleague Dr Cedric Mayrargue, about...

Publié le 01/11/2015 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Regulating religion in the PARISIAN area

On the 14th of June, 2011, I've had the priviledge to be part of an international conference jointly organized by my French research team ( the GSRL ) and Washington University (St Louis, USA) . My topic was: Regulating religion in the Parisian area . You want to know more? Here is my PDF draft paper (sorry, you won't see the Powerpoint presentation, but there was one also)....

Publié le 30/06/2011 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

Protestants in Canada: a forthcoming book from Brill

I juste received an email from Jason Zuidema (Concordia University) and I want to share the good news: a manuscript on French Protestantism in Canada has been officially accepted by Brill .  Henry Gooren , the general editor, has officially accepted the manuscript into the ' Religion in the Americas ' series.  Click to continue Besides the work of copy-editing,...

Publié le 27/10/2010 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

S.Fath's updated CV in English (2010)

Just before leaving France to the ASR annual Conference in Atlanta (2010) , it is more than time to revive this blog. Just in case you have forgotten this blog's author, well, please have a look to this short updated CV . I did it two monthes ago for the British academic public. S.Fath's short CV (2010).pdf  

Publié le 11/08/2010 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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