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Mes réponses en anglais au Blog de Ruslan

1/ Apart from the fact that I am an elected representative of the Ile-de-France region, I am also president of « Elus Locaux Contre le Sida » (local elected representatives against Aids) which is a society of more than 14.000 French elected representatives-and I am also member of the National Council of Aids, which is a French organization made up of personalities from all kinds...

Publié le 13/11/2009 dans Le blog de... par Jean-Luc ROMERO-Michel | Lire la suite...

France against USA

Best-seller author Samuel Huntington is too far away from Western idea of history to be considered as a true scientist. But he is although pointing the good reason why French people who are knowing their own history, art, customs, religion(s), do regard USA-culture as a foreign culture, not only for the sole detail that the USA have a theocratic constitution (French constitution is theocratic...

Publié le 06/11/2009 dans Lapinos par Xavier JASSU | Lire la suite...

WYD 2008 in Sydney : Benedict XVI & Catholicism Down Under (interview)

The next World Youth Days (WYD), a Catholic event organised every two or three years, will be held from July 15th to July 20th in Sydney , Australia. The Catholic Church isi expecting 125,000 international visitors and it will be the opportunity for the pope himself to visit Australia for the first time. I’ve asked Marion Maddox , an Australian scholar specialist in Churches-State...

Publié le 02/07/2008 dans Yannick Fer par Yannick Fer | Lire la suite...

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